The course is laid out so that you cross over the start/finish line four times before you finish on the fifth time through (down and back, left and back, right and back, left and back, and then a really short right and back for the finish). That frustrates some people; but some people (including me) like it because you can really think about the run in sections). This also makes it handy for spectators to see you at different points on the course. Chris was able to see me at the line all of those times plus was able to drive to one of the turnarounds as well. At mile 18, he decided to join me for miles 18-25. I was thankful for his company and pace to urge me on, but I was in no mood for conversation and (bluntly) told him so (hence the grouchy comment by me).
Post-race is not pretty sometimes... but those shiny, aluminum foil blankets are the best! (My new favorite warmer-upper - I'm thinking about keeping it... )

I've always said that I wanted to try - "just one more time" - to see if I could I could do better than that Green Bay time. And honestly, I am very happy to never run another full marathon again. (And I say that with great certainty a mere eight hours post-race...) I guess there's a chance that might change someday, but I really do think I'll be quite happy to run every half marathon in the country instead - Rock-n-Roll Half in Virginia Beach September 6 anyone?