Monday, July 28, 2008

NC Nascar

For you race fans reading this blog, we took in our first NASCAR race at Bowman Gray Stadium here in Winston-Salem on Saturday night. For your trivia knowledge, Bowman Gray is NASCAR’s first and longest-running weekly track where Richard Petty won his 100th race. The Allisons, the Myerses, and the Earnhardts have all raced here (of course, I only know the last name in that list, but apparently the others are impressive as well, since it made the program highlights.)

It was ladies night - $1 admission - wooo hooo! I was pretty sure Chris was going to get kicked out of the place when he pulled out his baggie of ear plugs. (I appreciate my hearing and ear health just as much as the next guy, so I just used my fingers as nonchalantly as I could.)

Growing up, I had some connections to the races, albeit on a smaller scale - and a dirt track, so I was pleased with how clean I was at the end of the night! My uncle (and now cousin as well) drive a street stock car; A distant cousin (grandma's sister's grandson) was pretty phenom in our area back in the day; and some high school friends worked in the pits for some drivers as well. Saturday night though was more big league than those experiences of course.

The highlight of the night was definitely the chain race at the conclusion. I mean, who wouldn't be excited when two cars are chained together and racing around the track in a no-holds-barred frenzy. And to make it even more interesting: The back car doesn't have an engine - and the front car doesn't have any brakes! If the pair disengages, you are disqualified). I knew we were in for a treat when the two 8-year-old girls who had been playing hand-clapping games all night stood up and started hopping on the bleachers in excitement when they introduced the event. It was hilarious, to say the least. We even had a hold-your-breath finish as the leaders got caught up in a forced crash in the final turn as we waited on the edge of our seats (figuratively, of course, since we were standing and maybe even hopping a little in excitement as well) to see who could maneuver out of the tangle first.

We were definitely able to experience a different side of North Carolina culture – let’s just say it wasn’t a diverse jazz concert downtown. We even got a little bit of political inculcation during one of the winner’s speeches as it concluded with a resounding, “And vote Republican!”

All in all, a pretty fun experience - I’d say we each got our money’s worth!


Anonymous said...

I totally wish I was with you. You know that is my kind of fun!


Rachel said...

Hahaha! Vote Republican! If I shouted that even on a street corner here I would probably get beat up! Sounds like it was a great time!