What is that up there in the sky? (Nothing more than a plane, but we all seemed inclined to need to look at it…Which, speaking of planes, I’d like to take this moment to remind y’all (sorry - that’s about all I can do with my typing language to show I’m now southern…) that the airport you will probably want to fly into when you come to visit is called PTI (Piedmont Triad International) located in Greensboro. hint, hint.) Anyway… We found out there are a lot of interesting things to see from up above.

Our favorite of the skyscrapers along the horizon would definitely have to be the Winston Tower building – in honor of our brother-in-law, Greg Winston. (Aren’t photography tricks fun? I remember learning about those back in my 4-H days…)

I’m sure the novelty will wear off eventually, but for us country folk, the view of the city from our windows is quite entertaining. People’s parallel parking endeavors, city workers (or lawbreakers serving their time?) picking up trash on Saturday nights, and of course, the emergency vehicles storming off to calls complete with ear-splitting sirens!

While hanging out the windows the first two nights, we were also treated to some pretty remarkable rainbows. On the second night, we were able to see complete double rainbows in the most vivid colors ever! It looked like the main rainbow dropped right into Old Salem, the historic part of town where we had spent the day exploring with our parents. Although it did rain on the third night as well, we were slightly disappointed that rainbow-watching was not an every night occurrence like it seemed it might be.
1 comment:
Wow you two are quite the explorers! Great pics and sounds like you guys are having lots of fun and bizarre experiences already!
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