I think we've all heard that there are three things you're NOT supposed to talk about in social conversations ... religion, politics and ?????????? (Chris and I recently had this conversation with some people and some say the third is sex and others say the third is money - feel free to weigh in on this if you know the answer!) Anyway, at the risk of broaching a taboo subject, a quick nod to the realm of politics...
I have never been a hard-core Republican nor Democrat. I'm sure if they looked at my voting record, I think I've probably voted in the primaries of both parties (in different years, of course). Politics was never something that was really discussed in my family when I was growing up. I think my parents were probably afraid my big mouth would announce who they were voting for in the school board election or something - (and in my small town, that could cause an ugly scene!) Plus, I don't like conflict, so I usually can see both pros and cons of different perspectives, so I never really have this firm, decisive opinion about who to vote for. Until now...

I won't go into political-persuasive mode here - please feel free to vote for whomever you feel is the better candidate - but for once in my life, I actually feel strongly about one of the candidates! And that is so exciting for me! For that reason, (and because of the simple accessibility of the opportunity), I volunteered some time in our local Obama Headquarters. (The office is two blocks from our apartment.) It seemed like one of those things that I should take advantage of since the time and the opportunity was right here!

I made phone calls from the "sporadic voter" list (meaning they hadn't voted in all three of the last major elections). Most of the time I just left messages that encouraged them to vote for Obama and informed them about the early voting procedures in North Carolina. I'm not sure what the policy is in Illinois, but North Carolinians could vote anytime between October 16 and Nov 1 at any of the given 16 locations. You didn't even have to be registered to vote - you could register and vote all at the same time!

I also put together lots of yard signs - those little metal stakes are greasy, I'll tell you! And, today, I organized Election Day snacks for the polls. Over 3,500 granola bars had to be taken out of their boxes, counted into big groups of 250, and then sorted into different locations. These will be used to encourage people to remain at the polls even if they get hungry and it's taking hours for them to get through the lines. (Don't worry, there won't be any "Vote for Obama and I'll get you chocolate chunk" bargaining going on. And, they'll even be given to McCain supporters if they become weary as well!).

In any case, I'm excited to have been a part of such an historic presidential election - especially in such a key place. As I'm sure most of you are aware, North Carolina is one of the major toss-up states. They haven't voted for a Democratic president in 30 years, but we're hoping it happens tomorrow. Barack was actually here in Charlotte today, demonstrating how crucial this state's electoral votes really could be! It really is exciting!
As I said, I don't want to get into any political debates with Republicans...(remember, I don't like conflict). I just want people to go vote! Tomorrow is a monumental day! Please don't forget to take advantage of that amazing American right!
Got Hope! Get Change!!
Are you happy? Are you so, so, so happy? We both just wept when we watched the acceptance speech. So beautiful!
I knew you were a smart woman Dawn!
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