Last Monday, they closed down the Mellow Mushroom (the pizza joint beneath our apartment) to film some scenes in there. They also used our church as the staging/catering area, so people were all over the place. And, the actors also have short-term memberships at the Rush, so I feel more connected to the movie than I really should.
During the football game a couple weeks ago, they filmed some scenes. I cracked up when the people next to me brought binoculars with them - and were shrieking about seeing Andie MacDowell and Aidan Quinn on the other side of the stadium. (They were like ten feet from Chris on the sidelines - apparently, Andie MacDowell is looking really good at 50!)
After the game, they invited anyone who wanted to stay to film some crowd scenes. I was there for a short bit, but I'm sure I probably wasn't really in the captured video. However, I went back this weekend for some more screen time, and if I'm not in the movie, I will be totally surprised. I was in the fourth row, and a scattering of people throughout the crowd, in addition to the entire first three rows were instructed to leave as if it were the end of the game. So by the end of the scene, there's no one in front of me - watch for me folding up my blanket with great dramatic flair! The scene involved a post-game interview with Coach Grobe, so I'm pretty confident that part won't be cut, but we'll see...I was also in the second row in another scene, right behind a very cute three-year old, so if they keep that scene in the film, I should be pretty visible as well.
Me, on the other hand, just showed up with my ultra-warm stadium blanket (thanks to a fantastic Christmas present from Gma and Gpa T. some years back), my black and gold headband/earwarmer and gloves (thanks to my birthday present this year from Chris), and my black and gold plastic pom-pom (thanks to Jane, who saved it for us from the Clemson game when they were here in October!)
My brother-in-law, Greg, also got to be an extra in the movie, Empire Falls, when it filmed in Maine. But his involved a WAY cooler cast - Helen Hunt, Paul Newman, Ed Harris, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, AND - Aidan Quinn. How ironic! Greg's gig was also WAY cooler because he got selected (and I think paid) for the role. I, on the other hand, just showed up because I had nothing better to do.
Anyway, being an extra in a movie is great fun if you ever get the chance. My previous acting experience consists of my senior year's high school play, but, at my small school, that's not impressive in the least bit. (I can't even tell you what the name of it was...) I think they pick the play based on how many characters there are (to equal the small number of people interested in participating), and it's never anything well-known. People tell me that I have an expressive face - handy for pantomiming, which is all we did as extras. But, unless some casting director comes back to track me down, I'm pretty sure this will be all the acting I'll really ever do.
(**I apologize for the lack of spacing and paragraphs - I have no idea what is wrong with this site right now, but I can't get it to leave the spaces in... )
Wow, a star in our midst! Sounds like you had a great time! Have I mentioned lately that I miss you? Take care and we'll talk soon! Love you! Say hi to Chris for me!
You and Greg both: the two of you can share extra stories when we see you at New Years.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and my bratty little brother.
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