Week 2 of holiday family travelers - just as fun and festive as the first!

Yet again absolutely beautiful weather. We hiked Hanging Rock Mountain one afternoon, and besides the balmy 60 degrees with blue skies and great family bonding time, I recall two things in particular: 1)the family with 8 children we met who had a license plate cover that says, "Before you ask - Yes, they're all mine." and 2)the 57 dogs we met along the way as well. I felt like we were the only people without a leash! (which, frustrated Kate immensely as she is one of the biggest dog lovers I know --- and --- wait for it --- here comes the shameless plug: and the soon-to-be published author of
Adventures with Ari: A Puppy, a Leash, and Our Year in the Great Outdoors. Look for it at Barnes & Noble, amazon, etc. in April!)

A trip to Wake's campus was required (since we had two professors in tow), in addition to a men's basketball game. No one can claim they lack spirit! Demon deacons face painted on your cheek pretty much says it all. (I was already in my seat when the painting began....darn. :)

I'd venture to guess that New Year's Eve was one of the most unique nights of our lives. As the ball dropped in Times Square, we began a road race scarcely lit by the Festival of Lights display here in Tanglewood Park. (Can I tell you that no matter how many millions of little lights there are, they certainly don't illuminate a raceway all that well...) Believe it or not, Chris, Kate, and I all got second place in our age groups! And it's not that we were the only crazies out there - there were over 650 participants. It was hilarious when we drove back through the display the next night and could barely remember any of the displays from the 3.5 mile journey. Mike and Jane definitely got the better end of the deal when it came to walking the 1.5 and being able to enjoy the lights and the fireworks.

Not only was it New Year's Eve, but it was also Mike's 60th birthday - hence the T-Rex party hats. Mike and Kate even made the entire race with their hats still on! Another Miles tradition is the annual family picture holding a picture of last year's picture, which shows us holding the previous year's picture, which shows.... you get the picture - right?

And then, there was New Year's Day. One of the residents of our apartment decided to organize a Polar Bear Plunge in our pool on the rooftop. We thought about just doing it when we got back from the race, but then realized we were exhausted. So come Thursday afternoon, we met Paul in the cabana room (prepared with his vodka shooters) - and on the count of three, we jumped into the pool........................ which the maintenance man had kindly (but unbeknownst to me) cranked up to 80-some degrees per Paul's request! It was awesome - and I know, I know, I know
technically can't be considered a Polar Bear Plunge, but I'm crossing it off the list anyway! Either way, how funny is it to start the New Year out seeing Chris walk down the street in a towel!? (We went to the steam room at the Rush to equalize our body temps).

And finally, the Miles holidays are never complete without a raucous round of homemade monkey bread creations. I was a little concerned about a) my lack of packing the angel food cake pan (I was pretty certain we could make it one year without one) and then b) my guilt for breaking said family tradition. And just like that, as we were walking down the frozen food aisle at Harris Teeter, a little monkey on the side of a red and yellow box called my name. There it was: frozen, premade monkey bread! Who knows what it was actually made of...but I had no trouble scarfing it down - even though it was nowhere near as good as homemade.

Overall though, I would say it was definitely a holiday season that will never be forgotten! Family, fun, and lots of laughs. What more can one ask for?
Hey.. i want to be a member of your family.. looks like so much fun.. oh wait.. I Am a member of your family.. lucky you.. really excited to see you in February.. Your cousins in Arizona.. XXOO3h
How did you end up as part of this lunatic family? T-Rex party hats? Midnight runs? Vodka shooters on a roof? Grocery store monkey bread? What a bunch of crazies!!!!!
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