So on the First Friday of every month, the art galleries and associated eclectic shops in the downtown arts district (6th and Trade Streets) are open from 7-10 pm. Again, the city closes down the streets and there are live performaces of all sorts - from African drummers to belly dancers to a harmonica and blues duo. Many of the stores have free wine and snacks including the predictable cheese and crackers, but also things like black bean and corn salsa, sun-dried tomato and olive relish, various flavored fresh baked scones, etc. Roasted red pepper jelly over cream cheese with crackers was probably my favorite sample of the evening.

My favorite part of the night was when a woman asked me if I worked in the store we were in - it was the Bubbling Well Tea and Tonic Bar / Golden Flower Tai Chi Center. I can't figure out for the life of me what in the world made her think that I would work there. I don't even know what a tea and tonic bar really is, and all I know about Tai Chi is that it involves slow thought-related movements and breathing . I was merely reading an article in a magazine near one of the tall tables off to the side, and she thought I worked there?! Unbelievable - and hilarious to me!

In terms of stores, there is everything from a fine tableware and stationery store, to the traditional paintings on a wall art gallery, to an earthy all items handmade in Winston-Salem (and the smell of patchouli is so strong it knocks you over as soon as you open the door) kind of shop. (Side note: In case you can't tell, I dislike patchouli immensely. My first encounter with it was my freshman year of college when a let's just say, "more than mellow" senior fell into me in passing. Seriously, in that split second, she transferred the scent to me and I couldn't get rid of it for the rest of the day despite multiple showers.)

And, if you've been reading previous posts, the mermaid in the window made a repeat appearance tonight - this time with her bubble-blowing friend - so I had to break down and take a picture of it as well. I'm still not 100% sure what she's promoting, but I think the store sells beach-themed art perhaps.
I told Chris that we have to go back next month because I definitely didn't get to take in all of the

stores like I would have wanted to. Plus, there's a vendor who sells fresh apple dumplings that I feel inclined to try. (Next time I'll know not to eat as much for dinner so I have room for more of the samples!)
Wow. How is it that I missed Winston-Salem in my quest to be the crunchiest member of this family? The more I read, the more I love it there (and I haven't even visited yet!). I do have one question, though: with all these festivals and music nights and food tastings, when do people ever get to DRIVE on the downtown streets?
heheh. . . you said poo. hehehe.
What a great blog, Dawn. It's my first visit. And I was thrilled to be recognized in the Winston Tower entry. Thanks.
I like all the historical info. too. I never knew about the Revol. War connections to NC.
Let's see, before I go it looks like I should include some kind of scatological reference, like the "brilliant child" did to respond to "boo's-bro" and his sabotage of the blueberry post (see Out with Ari blog entry for 8/8/08--great date by the way--). Well, I'll just leave it there for now.
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